Friday, October 30, 2015

Read if you dare! Mawahahahah…or not. I’m not going to force you.

Well, happy almost Halloween everybody! Now I know we promised you a video that would be “berry” awesome, but you see, Ashley and I have a tendency to change our minds from time to time. Just so you know, it’s all because we care. Its not you, it’s us.  We decided to postpone our last video because we wanted to keep things more “Halloween-esk.”

With that being said, episode three, The Mitten Kidz Play: Pie Face (Halloween Edition) is now available on our YouTube channel! Click right HERE to watch!

Adryan and Ashley about to play Pie Face
This time we enlisted the help of my fiancé; Erin to ask us some Halloween trivia questions while we play the new hit game, Pie Face. On a side note, did you know that Pie Face is the most popular game of 2015? It is so popular and in such high demand that almost every major retailer has been sold out. That’s right, a game where you could get whip cream on your face and that is for ages five and up is the most popular game today. Amazing.

How Pie Face normally works, you spin a dial that has the numbers two through five on it; whatever number you land on is the number of times you have to twist the nobs on the Pie Face contraption and risk getting hit in the face with a handful of whipped cream. Anyway, here’s how our trivia game works, Erin will ask Ashley and I, one at a time, a Halloween trivia question, if the person gets the question right, the other person has to spin to play Pie Face. If the person gets the question wrong, they have to play Pie Face for themselves. First one to get “pie faced” three times, loses.

The funny part of all this, we came up with the idea of this game completely on the fly and it turned out to be really fun to play! If you managed to come across Pie Face at a store, buy it. Get the game, buy a couple cans of whipped cream, gather your friends, find a fun trivia game, and play. I promise you that you will laugh the hardest you’ve ever laughed in your life. Although, be warned! It is a messy game, so I encourage you to also buy a couple rolls of paper towel along with the game.

Now, when it comes to our next video, don’t you worry your pretty little heads, it will be up soon. Again, we just wanted to keep our videos more Halloween themed and well, our last video doesn’t really fit the theme. But hey, at least you get the pleasure of watch Ashley and I get hit in the face with whip cream, right?

Well, that does it for me here. Remember to always like us on Facebook, Tweet at us on Twitter, follow us on Instagram, and don’t forget to Subscribe to our YouTube channel and while you’re there, leave a comment and let us know what you guys want to see for the next Mitten Kidz video. Adryan, signing off. (Salute) Peace.


  1. That seems like a delicious game! I would top the whipped cream with some chocolate sauce - because: gesund-ish, obviously - duh! ;)

  2. Definitely buying this game to play with my niece and nephew! Very entertaining post :)

  3. This game sounds fun and it can be used for adults as well! I didn't even know about this game until just reading your blog. Thank you for the information!
