Saturday, November 14, 2015

Technology is BERRY difficult, sometimes.

FINALLY! Our MBerry video, that we promised you a few weeks back, is now available on our YouTube Channel! Click right HERE to check it out.

We had a heck of a time finishing this video. Where should I start? Well, when we finished recording the video, it ended up being just shy of an hour long. Which means that the file was very large! My MacBook Pro almost couldn’t import the video from the camera because of the size alone. Everything went wrong…my mac kept freezing during the import, the file was too large to send through DropBox, my wireless transfer program kept getting an error…everything, other than actually uploading the video, kept preventing us from releasing this video to you guys! But, it finally happened. I finally managed to import the video and got it to Ashley just in the nick of time.

Now, let’s talk about the actual video! I’ve mentioned before that Ashley and I have been dying to try MBerry for a while now and thanks to my lovely Fiancé, she got us a pack of MBerries! “What is MBerry, Adryan?” That’s a great question! MBerry, short for Miracle Berry, or by its scientific name, Synsepalum Dulcificum, is a small red fruit that turns sour flavors…sweet. Crazy…I know. This MBerry contains Miraculin, a glycoprotein found in the fruit that coats the taste buds on your tongue and alters how your mind perceives taste. It was weird and unexpected, but cool at the same time.
Ashley and Adryan try the MBerry
Here’s how it works. Because of the risk of the fruit rotting during shipping we got the pill form, which is just as good as eating the actual fruit. According to the package, you take one pill and let it dissolve on your tongue, which takes about five minutes, then start eating.

Below I have listed for you guys what Ashley and I ate and what it tasted like after we ate the MBerry.

-Tomatoes tasted like sugary tomatoes. It was oddly delicious.
-Granny smith apples tasted like a very sugary caramel apple.
-Grape fruit (our favorite) tasted as if you were to put sugar on top of your grapefruit for breakfast.
-Lemons tasted like lemonade but with not enough sugar. (it was still really sour)
-Salt and vinegar chips tasted like a sugar cookie
-Sour cream tasted like cake filling
-Blue cheese…was gross.
-Dill pickles tasted like sweet pickles
-Mustard tasted like honey mustard
-Balsamic vinegar was sweet but still burned
-Jalapeño…well…it was too hot to taste anything

It was really fun! I would totally do it again and totally recommend you trying it out for yourself. Visit to purchase your own pack of MBerry tablets and make a party out of it. Oh, I forgot to mention, on the inside of the package, they give you a card with suggestions of types of food you should eat with the MBerry. I highly recommend tomatoes, apples, grape fruit and salt and vinegar. You won’t be disappointed.

Your hint for the next Mitten Kidz video is…DIY.

Well that does it for me here! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Subscribe to our Official YouTube Channel! If you guys end up trying the MBerry, leave a comment on our YouTube video and let us know what your favorite and least favorite food was and don’t forget to let us know what you guys want to see us do next!!! Adryan, signing off. (Salute) Peace!


  1. So cool! definitely going to try this

  2. Whaaaat?! There is a pill that tricks your mind and mouth to taste things differently. This is crazy! I hate sour stuff, but love salt a vinegar chips! I cannot imagine eating them and tasting sugar cookies. So weird. Can't wait to see the video of your reactions hehe!
