Friday, October 30, 2015

Read if you dare! Mawahahahah…or not. I’m not going to force you.

Well, happy almost Halloween everybody! Now I know we promised you a video that would be “berry” awesome, but you see, Ashley and I have a tendency to change our minds from time to time. Just so you know, it’s all because we care. Its not you, it’s us.  We decided to postpone our last video because we wanted to keep things more “Halloween-esk.”

With that being said, episode three, The Mitten Kidz Play: Pie Face (Halloween Edition) is now available on our YouTube channel! Click right HERE to watch!

Adryan and Ashley about to play Pie Face
This time we enlisted the help of my fiancé; Erin to ask us some Halloween trivia questions while we play the new hit game, Pie Face. On a side note, did you know that Pie Face is the most popular game of 2015? It is so popular and in such high demand that almost every major retailer has been sold out. That’s right, a game where you could get whip cream on your face and that is for ages five and up is the most popular game today. Amazing.

How Pie Face normally works, you spin a dial that has the numbers two through five on it; whatever number you land on is the number of times you have to twist the nobs on the Pie Face contraption and risk getting hit in the face with a handful of whipped cream. Anyway, here’s how our trivia game works, Erin will ask Ashley and I, one at a time, a Halloween trivia question, if the person gets the question right, the other person has to spin to play Pie Face. If the person gets the question wrong, they have to play Pie Face for themselves. First one to get “pie faced” three times, loses.

The funny part of all this, we came up with the idea of this game completely on the fly and it turned out to be really fun to play! If you managed to come across Pie Face at a store, buy it. Get the game, buy a couple cans of whipped cream, gather your friends, find a fun trivia game, and play. I promise you that you will laugh the hardest you’ve ever laughed in your life. Although, be warned! It is a messy game, so I encourage you to also buy a couple rolls of paper towel along with the game.

Now, when it comes to our next video, don’t you worry your pretty little heads, it will be up soon. Again, we just wanted to keep our videos more Halloween themed and well, our last video doesn’t really fit the theme. But hey, at least you get the pleasure of watch Ashley and I get hit in the face with whip cream, right?

Well, that does it for me here. Remember to always like us on Facebook, Tweet at us on Twitter, follow us on Instagram, and don’t forget to Subscribe to our YouTube channel and while you’re there, leave a comment and let us know what you guys want to see for the next Mitten Kidz video. Adryan, signing off. (Salute) Peace.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Oh, Burger so silly!

Welcome back! First and foremost, I want to encourage you guys to check out our official Mitten Kidz Facebook Page and leave a comment with your suggestions on what you would like to see us do for Season 3. You can head over to our Facebook by clicking HERE. And while you’re at it, check out our official Twitter page HERE.

Can I be frank with you for just a moment? This week has been absolutely hectic. Ashley and I…wait…Ashley is actually calling me right now. Please hold…

Sorry about that. She wanted to know some information about our next video. And speaking of videos, I’m so excited to announce that the first episode of Season 3 is now available on our YouTube Channel! Click right HERE to watch our review on the Halloween Whopper™ from Burger King™. 

Adryan and Ashley eating the Halloween Whopper from Burger King
For those of you that are oblivious to what the Halloween Whopper™ from Burger King™ is, it’s a regular Whopper, but the bun is black. That’s right, black. It’s supposed to be an A1™ infused bun and that’s why it gives it that black look. 

Burger King's Halloween Whopper
Now, I’m not going to spoil anything for you guys on my opinion on this Whopper, but I do have to say that it is a little intimidating to eat at first. Other than Oreo’s, I can’t really think of any other black food that is good. Can you? I’m not a fan of black liquorish, black beans are good when it’s in a burrito, but who eats black beans by themselves? “What about coffee beans or chocolate, Adryan?” Okay, who eats coffee beans? And chocolate is brown, dark chocolate is just…dark brown. The point I’m trying to come across is that, any black food is weird.

With Ashley editing our video, planning for the next recording session, school work, trying to find a new job, and trying to maintain a social life, it’s been actually pretty nice to sit down and write this blog for our Mitten Fanz (trademark pending).

Next week is going to be a lot of fun for Ashley and I because we are going to be doing something that we’ve wanted to do for a while now, never got around to doing it. Here’s your hint, it’s going to be BERRY fun. So stay tuned for that!!

Well, that about wraps it up for me here. Don’t forget to like to our Facebook page, send us a tweet on our Twitter page, follow us on our Instagram page, and don’t for get to subscribe to our YouTube channel! Adryan, signing off. Peace.